Sporadic musings by a guy with a computer
I am trying a new blog with a less clear focus. My prior efforts at http://ghettohardware.com were inconsistent at best. We did a little better with our wedding blog at http://amyandtom.net, but needless to say, the wedding has passed (excellently, I should add.) and we haven’t taken up a habit as the couple that blog’s together.
Another reason I am revisiting blogging is a recent discovery that Google Reader is a nice RSS Reading experience. It is always accessible to me by visiting that URL and logging in, it remembers what i have read and what I haven’t, and it makes the experience of reading blogs with only sporadic contributions worth my time. I have a couple everyday reading blogs (engadget, fatwallet) which have zillions of articles but relatively little deeply interesting content. By contrast, my favorite blogs are either by friends, or interesting blogs which go days without any new content. (such as The Map Room.)
A final reason for my revisiting blogging is that I feel like a variety of my recent interests might be worth writing about. I have reinvested attention in my urban gardening project, in part thanks to reading the book ‘Animal Vegetable Miracle’. (mixed opinion, maybe I’ll blog about it later.)
In the meantime, subscribe to my blog with your favorite newsreader, and hopefully I will say something interesting before you delete my feed!