
I finished reading through my seed catalogues and cross referencing the offerings against my Maritime Northwest Garden guide.  My goal was to increase both the variety, quality and uglyness* of this year’s garden.  I found that Seed Savers Exchange had the most seed varieties I wanted to get this year, so I will be ordering from them.

*Heirloom tomatoes are less attractive thain their mainstream siblings, but can be more flavorful.

A variety of seeds offered by Seed Savers

A variety of seeds offered by Seed Savers

Kraft White Self-Sealing Env. , 50 Envelopes (3.25×4.75″) $5.00
Collection, Sunflower $13.50
Carrot, Danvers OG, Packet 250 seeds $2.75
Arugula, Sylvetta , Packet 500 seeds $2.75
Broccoli, DeCicco , Packet 50 seeds
Broccoli, Romanesco , Packet 50 seeds
Lettuce, Reine des Glaces OG, Packet 250 seeds
Pepper, Marconi Red , Packet 50 seeds
Chard, Five Color Silverbeet OG, Packet 100 seeds $2.75
Runner Bean, Sunset , Packet 25 seeds $2.75
Tomatillo, Purple de Milpa OG, Packet 25 seeds $2.75
Tomato, Stupice , Packet 50 seeds $2.75
Tomato, Siberian OG, Packet 25 seeds $2.75
Tomato, Black Krim OG, Packet 25 seeds $2.75
Tomato, Green Zebra , Packet 50 seeds
Herb, Rosemary , Packet 100 seeds $2.75
Herb, Green Culinary Sage , Packet 250 seeds

That’s a lot of money for seeds!  I need to see if someone wants to share some of these seeds with me.  I will gladly share a seed packet with anyone in the area for half the price.  I may also need to remove a few packets from my order before clicking ‘Buy”.

Thankfully, a seed packet will generally last 3-5 years.  I am still successfully germinating seeds from 2005, and I haven’t made any great attempt to preserve my seeds.  Going forward, I am going to store my seeds in an airtight box with a few of those desicant gel packets in it to keep everything completely dry.  I should store it in a cool dry location to increase the duration where they will be viable.

Seedy Thoughts…

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