The ($) value of a Small Garden
In learning about growing potatoes (since our potatoes should arrive in the next couple days), I stumbled into an article about the dollar value of produce a small home garden can produce. Link:
That article was based on an assumption of 100 square feet of growing space. We have almost 160 square feet, all with a perfect southern exposure. Their analysis led to a figure of 700$ in produce from just a small garden. There are several techniques one can employ to increase the value from their garden: grow small, high value crops. start plants indoors and plant several crops in the same location every season. Radishes and greens can come out in time to make room for Tomatoes. As always, grow what you like to eat to minimize waste.
I doubt we will weigh and log our food production to know for sure, but a 700$ figure gives me a little more wiggle room to justify the myriad 0f costs this year in Seeds, Seed propagation equipment, Wire Shelving, Lighting, Compost, Wood, Water and Electricity. Thankfully, this year’s purchases were largely one-time investments which we will enjoy for years to come. Next year we should be able to get by with some compost, a couple fun new seed varieties and the usual mix of water/electricity/my time.