Lego Challenge #16: Happy Halloween!

Today’s challenge: Happy Halloween! Build a holiday-themed model.

For today’s project, I’ve drawn inspiration for the upcoming holiday. I thought about trying to make a ghost or a pumpkin, but decided instead to build a Lego bowl and fill it with Lego candies. (No, we won’t be giving out Lego candies to trick-or-treaters.)

Lego Candy = No Chewing!!!

Lego Candy, No Chewing Please!

I built the bowl first… It was actually a bit tricky to make it structurally sound since I used bricks rather than plates to create the bowl shape there wasn’t all that much overlap between each layer. The candies came second, and it was fun to use some of the round and textured pieces to give them a more interesting texture and shape.


This bowl was a little harder to build than I expected, but the candies were fun to make and easy. I didn’t try to make most of them look like wrapped candies, instead exploring use of clear to resemble filling and playing with interesting shapes and textures. (Note: Updates will be slower this week due to a variety of events – please be patient!)

build time: 40 minutes.

Today’s post is part of my Lego Architecture Studio 30-day Challenge

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